SARLAK NS (Solvent dilutable nitrocellulose lacquers)
SARLAK NW (Water dilutable nitrocellulose lacquers)
SARLAK NSW (Water - solvent dilutable nitrocellulose lacquers)
SARLAK CS (Solvent dilutable cellulose asetate butyrate lacquers)
SARLAK CW (Water dilutable cellulose asetate butyrate lacquers)
COMPOUND (Aqueous, modified resin compacts)
COMPOUND CT (Aqueous, modified cationic resin compacts)
Anilin Solutions
SARKOSOL (Liquid metal complex dye-stuff range, solvent and water dilutable)
SARKOSOL C (Conc. liquid metal complex dye-stuff range, solvent and water dilutable)